Collaboration x Burberry

From TikTok to Burberry: How Upholstery Stop Motion Clips Landed Me an Exciting Email

Are you ready to go behind the scenes of a viral upholstery sensation that led to an unexpected collaboration with a prestigious brand? From viral TikTok upholstery clips to joining forces with none other than Burberry.

As a content creator on TikTok with a small following (this was the start of 2020) I often found myself experimenting with different forms of digital media to showcase my creativity. I never wanted to really be on camera or filmed doing the actually upholstery so that when I had the idea - I could document furniture without me in the frame using stop motion. The idea was a bit crazy, I had to take a picture every time I moved fabric or fixed it in place, without capturing me in the frame. 300 - 400 pictures later I had a short film.

To my surprise, it gained traction quickly and received unexpected positive feedback from viewers and my small little following grew almost overnight into the 100ks. Little did I know at that time that the simple act of stop motion would lead me to receive an email from Burberry themselves.

The subject line read "Collaboration Opportunity with Burberry". My heart skipped a beat as I opened the email and read every word carefully. They had come across my stop motion clip on TikTok and were impressed by my creativity and use of their iconic plaid fabric.

The email went on to explain the details of their upcoming campaign, which involved showcasing their latest collection under new creative director Daniel Lee through creative Tiktok Reels.

After several email exchanges and virtual meetings, we finalized the details of the collaboration. I was given creative freedom to incorporate Burberry's fabrics and products into my stop motion videos, while also incorporating my own personal style.

The campaign launched a few weeks later and received an overwhelming response from viewers. My videos were shared on Burberry's official social media accounts, exposing my work to a much larger audience than I could have ever imagined.

Not only did this collaboration give me a once in a lifetime opportunity to work with such a renowned brand, but it also opened doors for future collaborations with other fashion and home decor companies. Receiving that email from Burberry was truly a turning point in my career as a content creator. It taught me the power of taking risks and putting my creative work out there, as you never know who might be watching and where it could lead you.


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